I'm an Educator, Designer,
Model + Coach, and YOUR new BFF in the Creative Industry.

I design and develop educational tools, products + services for creatives to make their life simple and create a brand they love! 

Kate Heussler

Dreams work

Want to know


when you do!

As Seen In


model + Business coaching

Social Media Strategy

graphic design

Marketing + Communications

Model + Brand Ambassador

With knowledge comes confidence.
Everything you need to know about establishing yourself as an authentic creative, the professional way, the first time.

Professional Branding

Discover your model niche and explore where lucrative opportunities await. Elevate your audition game and unlock the secrets to nailing a 'first impression' at your next Model Casting.

A strong brand establishes credibility, fosters trust + sets you apart from competitors. Let me help you connect with your target audience, create brand awareness + engagement.

All that glitters is within reach, all from the comfort of your own home. Let me help you become a shining example of poise, charisma and influence.

Your ticket to standing out in a crowded industry. With Kate's strategic guidance, you'll gain the knowledge and tools to showcase your talent effectively inside 30min.

Catwalk training for fashion week, model castings or beauty pageants. Let's dismantle imposter syndrome and tame your inner voice in a safe and supportive environment.

Fast-track turning your dreams into a reality. Best for new and experienced women, men, non-binary, classic, curve, babies, toddlers, children, teenagers and pregnant models.

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coaching options

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Starting out as a Model can be overwhelming; believe me, I’ve been there! I started modelling 15 years ago and during this time I have worked with some ah-mazing brands, won a pageant, launched an online business, travelled the world and created a human.

The best part - I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way to learn and grow, tamed my inner demons, and found my voice.

Do you love a good story?

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client list

It's been a wild ride. Here you'll find a snapshot of clients who have entrusted me for brand collaborations, partnerships and to bring model campaigns to life. 

Daily Mail
Channel 9: HoneyYou
Air Force Cadets
Belle Property
Girl Communications
Ted Baker
Electronic Arts
Wayne Rooney
Spotcap Global
Rebel Sport
St Frock
Girlfriend Magazine
NZ Women's Weekly
Cosmopolitan Australia
Vogue Brides Australia
Modern Wedding Magazine 





Aleisha.N, NSW
former student


success stories


Work with me!

Branding. Business. Life. Model Coaching. So much to talk about.
Let's collaborate and see what MAGIC we can make together.

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